Solar-Kinetic Street Lights are the Way of the Future
There are more than 300 street lights around the world – some of these have not been changed or upgraded in decades! With technology advancing as quickly as it has this could be costing us (tax payers!) millions. Not only are these inefficient street lights using high carbon electricity sources in order to operate but they are also wasting around 40% of that energy used. EnGoPlanet has a plan!
The EnGoPlanet’s Street Light system is an off-grid LED solution that is powered by the sun and also by pedestrian’s walking by. “If you look at traditional street light poles, you will see that they are useless. They simply hold the lighting,” said Petar Mirovic, CEO of EnGoPlanet. The solar-kinetic light is much more aesthetically pleasing, efficient and useful! It contains charging stations and wifi for mobile phones and has the capability to do so much more! (It could be used with sensors to collect data on traffic, weather and all sorts of environmental monitoring in real time – that would then be communicated back.)
When the people walk on the kinetic tile installed at the base of the light, energy will be created and used to charge a battery. During sunlight hours, a 180W or 360W solar cell will power the street light.