By Evolution Solar Sunshine Coast

The topic of global warming is a very controversial one and one that we may never know the truth about with 100% certainty. However, with all the cyclones, flooding and disastrous weather that we have been facing of late, one cannot help but wonder what role we play in it all.

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, the Chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in Melbourne last week that, “Climate is changing because of natural factors and the impact of human actions.” Most can argue before and against climate change, and many have, but it may be a fair comment to make that, global warming and climate change may not have caused our wild weather, rather just intensified it.

Climate Change Australia’s (CCA) spokesperson, Harry Creamer said, “There is a clear picture emerging of weather events becoming more extreme, with wilder storms and higher rainfall leading to worse flooding and we are foolish to ignore the lesson it is telling us. If we do nothing to combat climate change, the earth will continue to heat and things will get worse.”

Whether you agree or disagree with the global warming, can we afford more (and worsening) wild weather? Can we suffer more financial setbacks and loss of life through floods, heatwaves and cyclones?

Mr Creamer said that the worst mistake we can make is making this a political issue. We need to make our minds up not to make this a political issue and not take the risk. If each and every person did their part, together we can make a difference.

Burning of fossil fuels is the single biggest contributor to carbon emissions around the world. If we can all do our part to live as efficiently as possible, the world reliance on such fuels can only keep decreasing. There are many ways we can all reduce our carbon footprint. These include using more efficient lighting, installing solar hot water or heat pumps, installing a solar power system where possible (commercial and residential) as well as smaller things like walking to work or school where possible. More efficient cars are being introduced into the market all the time and definitely something to keep an eye on. Technology has developed exponentially over the last few years and cars are becoming cleaner and greener every day.

There are substitutes and alternatives for many high emission products on the market today and they are growing. Sometimes we can feel like very small fish in a very large ocean but if everyone does their part, it all adds up. For example, if we all changed our kitchen light bulbs to energy efficient ones, even just everyone in Australia, that would amount to a great deal of energy saved. Every small bit counts.

Mr Creamer said, “Natural forces make the weather, but human induced global warming makes the weather more extreme.” Let’s all do our part and make a difference today.