Anti-wind activistsYesterday, a group of anti-wind farm activists rallied in front of Parliament House with radio host Alan Jones as the MC. At the same time, in the middle of Sydney, the Greens held the pro-wind “Rally 4 Renewables” which had much more support and impact.

Alan Jones failed to make the protest the big and loud event he is usually involved in. Only about 100 to 150 people pitched up to the event and some where maybe a little bit confused as to why they were there. One woman was spotted holding a sign saying “Yes solar, no wind farms” while the Queensland National Party member Senator Ron Boswell was talking about “fraudulent wind, solar power, renewable energy.”

In fact, Mr Jones was keen to promote the peace telling his protestors to watch what they wrote on the signs and keep it tasteful. Flaunting his ignorance in the matter, Mr Jones said that wind turbines should be put in the city and in front of his apartment in Macquarie Street. “That’s why I’ve constantly said to them well put them in Macquarie Street, put them in Anzac Parade, put them in Parramatta Road,” Mr Jones said. “That’s where the people are, that’s where the energy is used and if they are not injurious to health, well, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

The fact of the matter is – wind is not as efficient in those built up areas. The reason why they are not there is a matter of quality of wind, efficiency, expensive technical issues and not because of so called “Wind Turbine Syndrome.” Speakers from “Friends of the Earth” have said there are 19 reviewed studies that show that there are no health concerns relating to wind turbines – what else can be done to convince some people.

Pro-renewables RallyOn the other side of the argument, around 500 people showed up to show their support for the Greens “Rally 4 Renewables” held at the same time in the city. Greens leader, Christine Milne, said there is nothing to substantiate any health problems and called for a 100% renewable energy target to be sped up.

“We are not going to tolerate the lies and the misinformation about all these sicknesses that are supposed to be associated with renewable,” Senator Milne said. “Instead I ask the real question, ‘What about the real sickness associated with coal dust?’, ‘What about the real sickness out there associated with the old fossil fuel order?’”

“What is extraordinary is wind farm sickness only affects people who speak English. How come the Danes, Spanish and Germans don’t suffer from wind farm sickness?” she asked. “The renewable industry is providing a solution to greenhouse gas emissions as well as providing new jobs, new industries and giving a better future for our children.”

Friends of the Earth spokesperson Leigh Ewbank said prior to the event, “Politicians who buy into the misinformation spruiked by anti-wind farm campaigners are putting jobs, investment and all the other benefits of wind energy at risk. If the Liberal Party intends to continue to support the RET and development of wind energy after the September election, then the leadership of the party must come out and distance themselves from those MPs who are joining the ‘wind farm fraud’ rally.”