Sun-damaged-connector-2Many of the solar ‘cowboys’ that flooded the Australian market have been phased out and closed but photographs submitted to Clean Energy Now have shown the importance of doing your research before signing on the dotted line.

The photographs show a three year old solar install that went horribly wrong. Many people only think about the main components when doing their solar research – the solar panels and the solar inverter. Yes these items are the main components and should be scrutinized before purchase; however a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. A solar system also consists of cabling, solar connectors, isolators as well as the actual railing system that is used to secure the panels to the roof.

With falling solar prices and huge competition, solar suppliers and installers are being forced to lower prices in order to secure jobs. Many companies are struggling and in order to keep their heads above water (and some just greedy for as much profit as possible) they are cutting corners and supplying inferior products.

Quality solar companies on the Sunshine Coast will be able to assure you that all these small components comply with the Australian standards as well as guarantee your installation for a period of years. Cutting these types of corners will not only cost you in terms of efficiency and generation of the solar system but also puts your house at risk of fires and electrocution. Those looking to purchase solar should check that the cabling is certified to PV1-F and solar connectors to EN 50521 standards.

Click here to see the photographs submitted to Clean Energy Now.

Feel free to request a free call back from Evolution Solar Sunshine Coast for more information on the cabling and railing used on all our solar power installations.